Topical and UV treatments manage most mild psoriasis. More severe cases are managed with oral medication and if not controlled move on to newer government funded Biologic therapies
Eczema or Dermatitis and Itch (Pruritus)
Causes and aggravating factors are important to determine and treatment options include skin care and topical therapies including non-steroid creams with UVB and oral medication.
Acne Pimples
Very important to have adequate therapy early to avoid scars and also remove or control factors both hormone and dietar. Oral therapy is often needed and limited in dose and duration to avoid side effects.
Flushing facial red skin and sometimes pustules and papules. Triggers and reducing aggravating factors can achieve control and clearance without long term oral therapy. Treatments with guidelines, options newer therapies can be given for the following, Folliculitis, Hydradenitis Suppurativa, nails and hair and medical associated skin conditions. Inflammatory rashes, infections tinea etc.
Autoimmune skin and hair conditions
Cutaneous Lupus, Morphoea, Lichen Planus, Alopecia Areata and Immune blistering skin diseases.
Skin cancer
Clinical detection, risk managing and therapies , Biopsies or Dermoscopic examination and treatments (Cryotherapy, topical immunological therapies and if needed surgical opinion).
Surveillance and Non Melanoma skin cancer (BCC and SCC) detection, risk managing and prevention therapies. Mole mapping service available on site.
Genetic or skin conditions from birth and early childhood rashes, dry skin and infections. These are important to be given options and up to date new therapies or advice.